Indigenous Toponyms of Nicaragua
The meaning of our mountains and volcanoes in alphabetical order
Letter A
Ajusco (Ajusco, Axusco)
Nombre del cono volcanico mal llamado Asososca de Leon, que se levanta a orila de la Laguna del Tigre, en la jurisdiccion de La Paz Centro. De axochco, "lugar de las flores acuaticas"
English Translation:
Name of the volcanic cone mistakenly called Asososca de León, which rises at the edge of Laguna del Tigre, in the jurisdiction of La Paz Centro. From axochco, 'place of aquatic flowers.'
Apante (Apante)
Localidad al Oeste de Puerto Morazan (Chinandega). Cerros cuapes cerca de San Jacinto (Leon). Cerro al Sur de Somoto (Madriz). Punta en la isla de Ometepe (Rivas). Alto cerro al Sur de la ciudad de Matagalpa. De apantli, "acequia", "caño de agua"
English Translation:
Location to the west of Puerto Morazán (Chinandega). Cuapes hills located near San Jacinto (León). A hill located south of Somoto (Madriz). A point on the island of Ometepe (Rivas). A high hill located south of the city of Matagalpa. From apantli, 'canal,' 'waterway.'
Note: This passage describes various geographical locations in Nicaragua, with a focus on hills and other features, and includes the origin of the word apantli, which is linked to water systems, possibly indicating a connection with water sources or irrigation in these areas.
Apoyeque (Apoyeque)
Profunda laguna-crater en la peninsula de Chiltepe. De atl-poyec, "aqua salobre"
English Translation:
Deep crater-lagoon on the Chiltepe Peninsula. From atl-poyec, 'salty water'
Apoyo (Apoyo)
Extensa y profunda laguna-crater entre Masaya y Granada. Otra variante de Apoyeque. Mántica ofrece además otra posible interpretación: atl-pol-co, "lugar del agua grande"
English Translation:
An extensive and deep crater-lagoon located between the cities of Masaya and Granada. Another variant of Apoyeque. Mantica also offers an alternative linguistic interpretation: atl-pol-co, 'place of the big water.'
Note: "atl-pol-co, 'place of the big water'" (a possible indigenous linguistic interpretation, where atl means "water" in Nahuatl, pol could mean "large" or "big," and co indicates a place or location).
Asososca (Asososca)
Laguna craterica vecina y al oeste de la ciudad de Managua. Laguna craterica al oeste del Puerto Momotombo tambien llamada Tecuacinabia por el cronista Oviedo y Laguna del Tigre actualmente. Dos interpretaciones de Mantica: atl-xouxouhqui-ca "lugar del agua azul", y axoxozco, "agua agria". Davila Bolaños ofrece tambien la version de azozotl, "lugar de la culebra cascabel"
English Translation:
A neighboring crater lagoon to the west of the city of Managua. A crater lagoon to the west of Puerto Momotombo, also called Tecuacinabia by the chronicler Oviedo, and currently known as Laguna del Tigre. Two interpretations of Mantica: atl-xouxouhqui-ca 'place of blue water,' and axoxozco, 'sour water.' Dávila Bolaños also offers the version of azozotl, 'place of the rattlesnake.'
Note: Dávila Bolaños is a historian or researcher, who also offers the version of azozotl (which means "rattlesnake" in Nahuatl), meaning "place of the rattlesnake."
Letter C
Peninsula del lago de Managua y cerrito volcanico en su extremo (Managua). De chilli-tepetl, "cerro de los chiles"
English Translation:
Peninsula of Lake Managua and volcanic hill located at the far end of the peninsula (Managua). From chilli-tepetl, 'hill of the chilies.'
Note: chilli refers to "chili" or "chile" (the spicy pepper), and tepetl means "hill" or "mountain" in Nahuatl, an indigenous language.
Primer volcán en la cordillera de Los Maribios, de cono extinto (Chinandega). Segun Valle pudiera derivar de tzon-co, "lugar de lava volcánica". Davila Bolaños ofrece otro significado: tzon-coatl, "volcán de la Bola Brillante"
English Translation:
The first volcano in the volcanic mountain range known as Cordillera de los Maribios, located in the Chinandega region of Nicaragua, and it is an extinct cone. According to Valle, it could derive from tzon-co, 'a place of volcanic lava.' Dávila Bolaños offers another meaning: tzon-coatl, 'a volcano of the Brilliant Ball.'
Note: Dávila Bolaños offers an alternative interpretation where tzon-coatl could mean "a volcano of the Brilliant Ball," with coatl meaning "serpent" or "snake" in Nahuatl, but here it may metaphorically refer to the shape or the visual effect of the volcano.
Cerro junto al Estero de El Realejo (Chinandega). De cocotzin-tepetl, “cerro de las tortolitas” (Scardafella inca). Valle sin embargo interpreta cocotzin-tepe, “cerro del coquito”. Davila Bolaños afirma que era el nombre del volcán Santa Clara, junto al Telica, también conocido como San Jacinto.
English Translation:
Hill next to the Estero de El Realejo (Chinandega). From cocotzin-tepetl, 'hill of the little doves' (Scardafella inca). Valle, however, interprets cocotzin-tepe, 'hill of the little coconut.' Dávila Bolaños affirms that it was the name of the Santa Clara volcano, next to Telica, also known as San Jacinto.
Note: Cocotzin means "little dove" or "turtledove" in Nahuatl, and tepetl means "hill" or "mountain." Scardafella inca refers to a species of dove, so this name could refer to the presence of such birds in the area
Nombre aborigen de la Isla Momotombito, en el lago de Managua. Es el nombre del árbol que llamamos ñambar, granadillo o palo de rosa (Dalbergia rethusa).
English Translation:
Indigenous name of Isla Momotombito, in Lake Managua. It is the name of the tree we call ñambar, granadillo, or palo de rosa (Dalbergia retusa).
Antiguo cono volcanico junto a la ciudad de Masaya. Cerro al oeste de Puerto Momotombo (Leon). Cerro al este de Rio Teosintal en la jurisdiccion de Teustepe (Boaco). De coyotl-tepetl, “cerro de los coyotes”. Para David Bolanos significa “cerro de los coyoles”
English Translation:
An ancient volcanic cone next to the city of Masaya. A hill to the west of Puerto Momotombo (León). A hill to the east of the Río Teosintal in the jurisdiction of Teustepe (Boaco). From coyotl-tepetl, meaning 'hill of the coyotes'. For David Bolaños, it means 'hill of the coyoles'.
Note: coyoles is a term used in some indigenous languages of Mexico, particularly Nahuatl. It refers to a species of wild dog, which is often identified as the coyote. However, coyoles can sometimes be used to refer to the bush dog (Speothos venaticus), a small wild canine native to Central and South America.
Cerro monolitico que se levanta al Norte de Tecolostote (Boaco). Segun Valle deriva de cuixin, gavilan; atl, agua, tepetl, cerro: “cerro del agua de los gavilanes”. Mantica simplifica: “poblado de cuijes o gavilanes”. Para Davila Bolanos es cuesal-tepetl; “cerro hermoso”.
English Translation:
Monolithic hill rising to the north of Tecolostote (Boaco). According to Valle, it derives from cuixin (hawk), atl (water), and tepetl (hill), meaning 'hill of the hawk's water.' Mantica simplifies it to 'settlement of cuijes (small rodents) or hawks.' According to Dávila Bolaños, it is cuesal-tepetl, meaning 'beautiful hill.'
Letter G
Guisisil (Güisisil)
Cumbre de la meseta de Totumbla o Meseta de Estrada (Managua - Matagalpa).
De huitzizillin, "gorrión", "colibrí". Dávila Bolaños traduce: huitl- xitl- zilli, "lugar de la gran cosa res- plandeciente".
English Translation:
Summit of the Totumbla Plateau or Estrada Plateau (Managua - Matagalpa).
From huitzizillin, "sparrow", "hummingbird". Dávila Bolaños translates: huitl-xitl-zilli, "place of the great shining thing".
Letter M
Volcan, laguna, ciudad, municipio y Departamento de Nicaragua.
Varias interpretaciones. Valle ofrece: mazatl-yan, “lugar donde hay venados” y matza-yan, “lugar de piñuelas”. Mantica, en cambio, interpreta: ma-atzallan, “lugar entre varias aguas o lagunas”. Davila Bolaños traduce: masa-ya, “donde llueve el fuego”, variante en la lengua otomí. Oviedo escribe Masaya, refiriendose al volcan, cuyo nombre náhuatl era Popogatepe. La toponimia bien puede ser de origen mangue.
English Translation:
Volcano, lagoon, city, municipality, and department of Nicaragua.
Several interpretations exist regarding the name. Valle offers two possibilities: mazatl-yan, meaning 'place where there are deer,' and matza-yan, meaning 'place of pineapples.' Mantica, on the other hand, interprets it as ma-atzallan, meaning 'place between several waters or lagoons.' Dávila Bolaños translates it as masa-ya, meaning 'where fire rains down,' a variant in the Otomí language. Oviedo writes Masaya, referring to the volcano, whose Nahuatl name was Popogatepe. The toponym is likely of Mangue origin.
Pico culminante de la sierra de Dipilto, el mas elevado de Nicaragua (2,107m)
Significa “mogote grande”. Mogote es un cerro coronado por árboles. Davila Bolaños deriva este vocablo de mo, macizo; cotl, tronco: “tallo grande”
English Translation:
The highest peak of the Dipilto mountain range, and the tallest in Nicaragua (2,107 meters).
Its name means 'large mogote.' A mogote is a hill crowned with trees. Dávila Bolaños derives the term from mo (massif) and cotl (trunk), meaning 'large stem' or 'thick trunk.'
Volcano extinto al Sur de Granada. Comarca y cerro entre Boaco y Camoapa (Boaco).
De mapochoa, inclinarse, agacharse, “encorvado”. En las viejas cronicas espanolas se le llama indistintamente Bombacho, Nambacho, etc.
English Translation:
Extinct volcano south of Granada. Region and hill located between Boaco and Camoapa (Boaco).
The name comes from mapochoa, meaning 'to bend' or 'to crouch,' referring to something 'hunched' or 'curved.' In old Spanish chronicles, it is referred to interchangeably as Bombacho, Nambacho, etc.
Volcán junto a la costa occidental del lago de Managua (León).
Según Mántica es palabra náhuatl: momoloca, hirviente; tzon, cresta; pol, aumentativo; “gran cumbre hirviente”. Estando en territorio nagrandano tambien admite el significado chorotega que le atribuye Alfonso Valle: mumu, contiguo; tu, alto; nimbu, agua; “alto y cerca del agua”. Los indios en los alrededores lo llamaban Mamea, Mahometombo, según Oviedo.
English Translation:
Volcano located along the western shore of Lake Managua (León).
According to Mántica, the name is Nahuatl: momoloca (boiling), tzon (crest), pol (augmentative), meaning 'great boiling summit.' Since it lies in Nagrandano territory, it can also be interpreted with the Chorotega meaning attributed by Alfonso Valle: mumu (adjacent), tu (high), nimbu (water), meaning 'high and near the water.' The indigenous people in the surrounding areas called it Mamea or Mahometombo, according to Oviedo.
Cerro y comarca al Oeste de la ciudad de Managua.
De motlatl, piñuela; tepec, poblado: "poblado de piñuelas". Dávila Bolaños ofrece otra explicación: motl, cosa moldeada; teped, cerro; "cerro redondo", igualmente aceptable.
English Translation:
Hill and region to the west of the city of Managua.
From motlatl, piñuela (a type of plant; also known as pineapple in some contexts); tepec, settlement: "settlement of piñuelas". Dávila Bolaños offers another explanation: motl, molded thing; teped, hill; "round hill", also acceptable.
Lagunita y cerro volcánico al Norte del Volcan San Cristóbal (Chinandega). De mayoti-tepec, "poblado de zancudos". Dávila Bolaños interpreta: moyo-tepetl “cerro zancudo”
English Translation:
Small lagoon and volcanic hill to the north of the San Cristóbal Volcano (Chinandega). From mayoti-tepec, "settlement of mosquitoes." Dávila Bolaños interprets it as moyo-tepetl, "mosquito hill."
Macizo elevado del Norte de Rio Blanco (Matagalpa). Loma y arroyo junto al rio Tapasle (Matagalpa).
De mu-sumu, “meseta de los Sumus”, entendiéndose Sumu como el gentilicio de los Toallas o Tawaskas y no con el sentido generico que hoy se aplica a todos los grupos de lengua parecida. Considerando que este cerro se encuentra mas alla de la frontera matagalpa-sumu, el topónimo puede aceptar otra interpretación enteramente de sumu: muih-sum, “gente de los matapalos” (Ficus sp.), o muy-suma, “gente de las calabazas”. Valle lo deriva simplemente de musu-m, “en el posol”. El padre Kiene, de muy, cara y suj, lavar, “donde se lavan la cara”.
English Translation:
Elevated massif in the northern part of Río Blanco (Matagalpa). Hill and stream near the Tapasle River (Matagalpa).
The name comes from mu-sumu, meaning "plateau of the Sumus," where "Sumu" refers to the ethnic group of the Toallas or Tawaskas, and not in the generic sense applied today to all speakers of similar languages. Given that this hill lies beyond the Matagalpa-Sumu border, the toponym can also be interpreted as muih-sum, meaning "people of the matapalos" (Ficus sp.), or muy-suma, meaning "people of the pumpkins." Valle derives it simply from musu-m, meaning "in the pozol." Father Kiene interprets it as muy, "face," and suj, "to wash," thus "where they wash their faces."
Letter O
Principal isla del lago de Nicaragua, dominada por dos volcanes (Rivas). De ome, dos; tepetl, cerro: "los dos cerros".
English Translation:
Main island of Lake Nicaragua, dominated by two volcanoes (Rivas). From ome, two; tepetl, hill: "the two hills."
Letter P
Una isleta del lago de Nicaragua hoy llamada Marota (Granada).
Según Valle significa "lugar de Odoratorio". Mántica interpreta: pan-zacual-lan, "junto al encerradero (nicho) del vado".
English Translation:
An islet of Lake Nicaragua, today called Marota (Granada).
According to Valle, it means 'place of the Odoratory'. Mántica interprets: pan-zacual-lan, 'next to the enclosure (niche) of the ford'.
Patasta (Patasta, Pataste)
Cerro en la sierra de Tepesomoto, entre Limay y Pueblo Nuevo (Madriz). Arroyo en la ladera occidental de las sierras de Managua (Managua).
De patli, atl, "agua medicinal"; o bien patlacht-atl, "agua ancha".
English Translation:
Hill in the mountain range of Tepesomoto, between Limay and Pueblo Nuevo (Madriz). Stream on the western slope of the mountain range of Managua (Managua).
From patli, atl, 'medicinal water'; or alternatively patlacht-atl, 'wide water'.
Note: "Atl" is the Nahuatl word for water, and "patli" typically means medicinal or healing properties.
Nombre náhuatl del volcán Masaya, recogido por el cronista Oviedo.
De popotia, aparejados y tepetl, cerro: "cerros aparejados", tal como se ven los conos gemelos del Masaya y el Nindirí. También puede ser corrupción de Popocatepetl, "cerro que echa humo"; o "montaña que arde", como lo da a entender Oviedo.
English Translation:
Nahuatl name of the Volcan Masaya, recorded by the chronicler Oviedo.
From popotia, 'prepared' or 'equipped', and tepetl, 'hill': 'equipped hills', as seen in the twin cones of Masaya and Nindirí. It could also be a corruption of Popocatépetl, 'hill that emits smoke' or 'mountain that burns', as suggested by Oviedo."
Note: In the context of this text about volcanoes, aparejados seems to refer to the idea of the twin cones of the Masaya and Nindirí volcanoes being "paired" or "matched" in appearance—hence the translation of "equipped hills" or "paired hills." The idea is that the two volcanoes resemble each other or are seen together in a way that makes them appear to be "paired" or "aligned."
Domo volcánico al pie del Mombacho (Granada). Llano al Oeste de Acoyapa (Chontales).
De posin-tepetl, "cerro de la cantera" .Dávila Bolaños dice potzin-tepetl, "cerro jorobado".
English Translation:
Volcanic dome at the foot of Mombacho (Granada). Plain to the west of Acoyapa (Chontales).
From posin-tepetl, 'hill of the quarry.' Dávila Bolaños says potzin-tepetl, 'hunchbacked hill.'
Note: Dávila Bolaños offers an alternative interpretation, suggesting that potzin-tepetl means a "hunchbacked hill," likely describing the shape of the hill.
Rota (Rota, Orota)
Volcán y sitio al Noreste. de León.
Según Valle la toponimia es Orota, en recordación al paso de alguna tribu de los orotinas.
English Translation:
Volcano and site to the northeast of León.
According to Valle, the toponymy is Orota, in memory of the passage of a tribe of the Orotinas.
Note: Orota refers to the name given to the site, possibly linked to the Orotina tribe, a group that might have passed through the area.
Letter T
Cerro al pie del volcán El Hoyo (Leon). Sitio al sur de La Gateada (Chontales). Comarca en las Sierras de Managua.
De tlacatl, caña; necuhtli, dulce o miel: "miel de caña"; es el nombre de una especie de abeja.
English Translation:
Hill at the foot of Volcán El Hoyo (León). Site to the south of La Gateada (Chontales). Region in the Sierras of Managua.
From tlacatl, cane; necuhtli, sweet or honey: "cane honey"; it is the name of a species of bee.
Cuesta entre Santa Lucía y San José de los Remates (Boaco). Sitio al norte de El Jícaro (Nueva Segovia). Cerro al oeste de Paiwas (Matagalpa).
Según Valle es tlalli-necuhtli, "panal de tierra". Mántica sostiene: tlalli-tetl, "terrón grande".
English Translation:
Hill between Santa Lucía and San José de los Remates (Boaco). Site to the north of El Jícaro (Nueva Segovia). Hill to the west of Paiwas (Matagalpa).
According to Valle, it is tlalli-necuhtli, meaning "earth honeycomb." Mántica argues it is tlalli-tetl, meaning "large clod."
Cerro al este de Acoyapa (Chontales). Sitio al noreste del volcán Casita (Chinandega-Leon). Comarca de Ciudad Darío (Matagalpa).
De tlalli-petatl, "estera o plancha de tierra".
English Translation:
Hill to the east of Acoyapa (Chontales). Site to the northeast of Volcán Casita (Chinandega-León). Region of Ciudad Darío (Matagalpa).
From tlalli-petatl, meaning "mat or sheet of earth."
Tamagas (Tamagás)
Sitio en la península de Chiltepe (Managua).
De tlamacasque, "víbora", serpiente venenosa del género Agkistrodon; o bien Tamagastad, deidad de los nicaraos.
English Translation:
Site on the Chiltepe Peninsula (Managua).
From tlamacasque, meaning "viper," a venomous snake of the genus Agkistrodon; or Tamagastad, a deity of the Nicarao people.
Tecuacinabia or Tecuañavete
Nombre aborigen de la laguna del Tigre, o Asososca de León, mencionada por el cronista Fernández de Oviedo.
De tecuani, fiera, tigre; chinamitl, chinamo, cerca de cañas; hua, posesión y ca, lugar: "lugar donde hay cerco para (impedir el paso de) las fieras".
English Translation:
Indigenous name of Laguna del Tigre, or Asososca de León, mentioned by the chronicler Fernández de Oviedo.
From tecuani, meaning "wild beast" or "tiger"; chinamitl, meaning "chinamo" or "a place near reeds"; hua, meaning "possession"; and ca, meaning "place": "place where there is a fence to prevent the passage of wild beasts."
Jaime Incer, Toponimias Indigenas de Nicaragua, 1985